
My friends will friend forever!! 友達はいつまでも友達‼︎

My friends will all return to their own country in June of Jury. That is very cry thing. But it seems unavoidable and seems to only accept it. 6月7月になると私の友達はみんな自分の国に帰ってしまいます。それはとても悲しいことです。でも仕方な…

The feeling that summer is approaching~ 夏が近づいている予感がする〜

Sweat will come out this week if it really hot and does not become short sleeve half pants. It seems rare that it will be this hot even in the England. 今週は本当に暑く、半袖半ズボンにならないと汗が出てきます。イギリスでもこんな暑くなるの…

I still like London. それでもロンドンが好きである。

There was a very sad thing on 3rd June. Terrorism occurred at the Westminster Bridge in London and many people were injured. I was watching football in this nearby pub in the time zone when terrorism occurred. I couldn`t match the damage, …

I can`t stop drinking it 呑まずにはいられない

As I wrote in the 5th blog,Londo is getting warmer now and should be said to be hot now. 5回目のブログで書いているように、今ロンドンは暖かくなってきており暑いと言った方がいいです。 Hot day beer is very delicious with any country. I got din…

It was a very fulfilling week!! とても充実した1週間でした!!

It was a very hard week this week. 今週はとてもハードな1週間でした。 I was busy inviting meals from various friends. But I am very grateful. Thank you to my friend! いろんな友達から食事に誘われ忙しかったのですが、とてもありがたく思います。…

It got warmer〜 暖かくなってきたよ〜

More than a month has passed since I came to England and I can live without problems for now. イングランドに来て1ヶ月以上が過ぎ、今のところ問題なく生活出来てます。 But the day in England is very long and the sun sets around 9 o'clock in th…

It has reached one month!! 1ヶ月経ちました!!

It has been a month since I come to England. イギリスに来て1ヶ月になりました。I still can not speak English. but my friend are increasing every day. 未だに英語が話せずにいます。でも友達は日を追うごとに増えています。 My first Korean friends…

A week feels as soon as possible~  1週間が早く感じる〜

I felt insecure about the life in England at three weeks. 3週間になるとイギリスの生活に不安がなくなりました。 This week I played football and played GK. The position I`m playing GK. 今週はサッカーでGKをやりました。私がプレーしているポジシ…

Two weeks passed!! 2週間経ちました!!

It has been two weeks. 2週間になりました。 There are many things you do not undersatand yet, and sometimes it is difficult to talk. まだわからない事が多く会話が難しいときもあります。 But I try hard and take communcation and memorize Englis…

I will start a blog!! ブログ始めるよ!!

I came to England one week ago. All that is not familiar yet. But I`m getting familiar with England`s life. イギリスに来て1週間になりました。まだ慣れないことばかりです。でもイギリスの生活に馴染み始めてきています。 I decided to write a blog…